Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week 37!

Here are some new pics of the belly. It's getting bigger by the day!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 36!

We're in the home stretch now... yay! We had our doctor visit today. She said he's in position and all ready for departure. He is now 6 lbs, 7 oz! We are all ready for his arrival. We can't wait : ) Here are some pics of Mommy and her very large belly.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Week 33!


We haven't posted in a while, but a lot has changed : ) We are at the end of week 33. We've had two ultrasounds and a few doctor visits. Mommy and the baby are doing great! The baby is getting big. He is now 4 lbs, 11 ounces! He's dancing around in his little condo - keeping Mommy up at night. During the first ultrasound, we got a picture of him smiling :) The picture we got at the second ultrasound is a bit blurry, but we can still see him. He's all scrunched with his little hand and foot in front of his face. They estimate that he will be about 8 lbs at full term. Here are a few pics of Mommy and baby.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Baby Shower : (

Unfortunately, as some of you may know, we are unable to come to NY for a baby shower. We're disappointed that we have to miss out on this special experience, but we know we'll have many memorable experiences with all of you after the baby arrives.

We did register at Babies"R"Us in case we have a shower, and we're keeping the registry open.

Registrant: Francine Cangelosi
Co-Registrant: Joseph Cangelosi
City: Boynton Beach
State: FL

I wish I could see all of you in person during this exciting time. I miss you all very much! I plan to have you rub my belly with the next baby : )

PS. Updated pics will be posted very soon. We've started to count down... it's already week 30! We can't wait to meet him!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

28 weeks!

The Belly: "Now you see it... Now you don't"

We had our ultrasound and doctor visit yesterday. The doctor said everything looks great. The baby is growing well and so is Mommy : ) I gained 7 pounds this month... yikes! The doctor said it is normal to have a spike in weight gain between weeks 20 and 28. It should slow down. She said I have gained a healthy amount of weight in total so far. She is pleased so I am too. Since I just started the 3rd trimester, I now have to visit the doctor every two weeks.

As you can see from the picture, my belly is growing a lot! The baby has gained a pound in the last month. He is now 2 pounds 4 ounces! He looks so comfy in there. We caught him smiling. The ultrasound picture we got was a 3D picture. The tech was in a rush so she snapped a picture of his face when it looked all smushed and distorted, but he was smiling so we are happy with it. We'll post it really soon. We'll get a better picture next month. During the next ultrasound (in 5 weeks), we'll get an idea how much he will weigh at full term. We are very excited!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

3D/4D Ultrasound!

We went for our ultrasound today and got a picture of the baby's face in 3D! He is 1 pound, 5 ounces and growing! : )

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 22!

I was told that we should post pics more often as the belly changes quicker over the next few months. Here are some new pics. Does anyone recognize that bridge Joe and I are standing on?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 20!

We can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! Sorry we haven't posted in a while. A lot has happened in the past weeks. The baby is getting bigger... and so is Mommy. We had two ultrasounds since our last posting. At about 16 weeks along, we found out the sex of the baby (as most of you know by now)... it's a boy!! We are very excited! Here are a few pics. Mommy and her growing belly and lil' man and his parts. The picture on top is the baby sitting with his knees bent and his hand rubbing his face. The next picture is his bottom with an arrow pointing to his lil' man parts in the middle. The last picture is, of course, Mommy and her growing belly : )

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 13!

Everything is going well. I had my monthly check up yesterday. We heard the baby's heartbeat! I gained three pounds... yay. Everything looks healthy. My belly is getting bigger. So is Joes :) He has a sympathy appetite. In a few weeks we'll find out the sex of the baby. We'll keep you all informed. xo