Saturday, April 25, 2009

28 weeks!

The Belly: "Now you see it... Now you don't"

We had our ultrasound and doctor visit yesterday. The doctor said everything looks great. The baby is growing well and so is Mommy : ) I gained 7 pounds this month... yikes! The doctor said it is normal to have a spike in weight gain between weeks 20 and 28. It should slow down. She said I have gained a healthy amount of weight in total so far. She is pleased so I am too. Since I just started the 3rd trimester, I now have to visit the doctor every two weeks.

As you can see from the picture, my belly is growing a lot! The baby has gained a pound in the last month. He is now 2 pounds 4 ounces! He looks so comfy in there. We caught him smiling. The ultrasound picture we got was a 3D picture. The tech was in a rush so she snapped a picture of his face when it looked all smushed and distorted, but he was smiling so we are happy with it. We'll post it really soon. We'll get a better picture next month. During the next ultrasound (in 5 weeks), we'll get an idea how much he will weigh at full term. We are very excited!