Saturday, January 17, 2009

Week 13!

Everything is going well. I had my monthly check up yesterday. We heard the baby's heartbeat! I gained three pounds... yay. Everything looks healthy. My belly is getting bigger. So is Joes :) He has a sympathy appetite. In a few weeks we'll find out the sex of the baby. We'll keep you all informed. xo


Jennifer Kunz said...

OMG!! Look at your little belly! Love it! You look great xxxooo - Jen

Unknown said...

You are too cute Fran! I am so excited that you guys started this, so everyone can continue to celebrate this journey with you. Yay!!!! You have a belly, how freakin adorable :)

Pete Santos said...

Franny you look great! We are all so excited for the two of you. The blog is a great idea, well done. Joe, I'll try to hit you up later today on skype. Congrats guys!

Lizzy said...

I love the belly! This site is awesome also... such a great idea! Love all of you oodles & oodles!